Cheap Flights to Sarajevo - Sarajevo Flights

You are viewing the lowest possible fares for cheap flights to Sarajevo for departures up to 180 days in advance. These cheap Sarajevo flights may not be available for purchase on your desired travel dates. Click on a desired departure airport name to display a detailed list of fares applicable to the selected origin, sorted by travel periods. The following page will help you understand how airlines structure their fares to Sarajevo based on travel seasons, giving you an opportunity to pick the cheapest time to travel within the next half a year.

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Atlanta Flights from $581

Departure date 11/3/24

Boston Flights from $535

Departure date 12/11/24

Detroit Flights from $560

Departure date 10/13/24

Washington Flights from $609

Departure date 9/30/24

Houston Flights from $632

Departure date 12/13/24

New York Flights from $490

Departure date 11/25/24

Las Vegas Flights from $665

Departure date 10/19/24

Los Angeles Flights from $624

Departure date 10/23/24

Miami Flights from $541

Departure date 10/29/24

Minneapolis Flights from $534

Departure date 10/7/24

Chicago Flights from $491

Departure date 10/21/24

Portland Flights from $828

Departure date 9/14/24

Phoenix Flights from $566

Departure date 9/21/24

San Diego Flights from $571

Departure date 9/16/24

Seattle Flights from $768

Departure date 9/29/24

San Francisco Flights from $559

Departure date 9/18/24

* Listed sample fares include all fuel surcharges and airport taxes. Please use the flight search form above to search and display cheap fares applicable to your specific itinerary and travel dates.

Sarajevo Flights Facts

  • The city of Sarajevo is served by the following airport: Butmir Airport (SJJ)
  • A total of 15 airlines operate their flights to/from Sarajevo. Click here for detailed airline information, including route maps, contact telephones and websites.
  • Sarajevo serves as a hub for the following airline: B&H Airlines

Sarajevo Flights Distance and Flight Time Calculator

Popular Picks:

  • New York - Sarajevo: 4460 miles, flight time 9 hours
  • Los Angeles - Sarajevo: 6420 miles, flight time 13 hours
  • Moscow - Sarajevo: 1190 miles, flight time 3 hours
  • Sydney - Sarajevo: 9860 miles, flight time 19 hours
  • Rio de Janeiro - Sarajevo: 6040 miles, flight time 12 hours
  • Paris - Sarajevo: 840 miles, flight time 2 hours
  • Tokyo - Sarajevo: 5840 miles, flight time 12 hours

Sarajevo Highlights - From the Sarajevo Flights Guide

Sarajevo is a vibrant city with a lot of history. It is place where three nations and religions mix, which can be observed in its mosques, churches and cathedrals. It is also a town of fine municipal buildings built by the Ottoman Turks and Austria-Hungarians.

Read the rest of the Sarajevo Flights Guide »

Sarajevo - Gazi Husrev - Bey Mosque

Gazi Husrev-Bey Mosque

The mosque, built in 1530, is the country's most significant Islamic feature. Built by the architect Ajem Esir Ali, the leading architect of the Ottoman Empire, the mosque is a distinguished architectural monument, with its varied base and a multi-dome system. The mosque complex dominates the market and includes the fountain, Muslim primary school, a room for ritual washing, domed burial sites, Gazi Husrev-Bey’s and   Murad-Bey Tardić’s harem, prayer area with a 45-meter-high minaret and the clock tower Sahat Kula.

Sarajevo - Bascarsija, the main marketplace and top attraction


Baščaršija means in Bosnian ‘the main market place’ and encompasses the Old Sarajevo marketplace. It was created in the 15th century as the commercial quarter of the new oriental settlement and was modeled on the Arabian ‘souk’.
Several important historical monuments are located in the area of Baščaršija. These include the Gazi Husrev-Bey mosque and Sahat-kula. Today, Baščaršija is the biggest tourist attraction of Sarajevo.

Sarajevo - the Tunnel, the only exit out of the besieged city during 92-5 war

The Tunnel Museum

The underground tunnel built below the Sarajevo airport was the only exit out of the besieged city during the 1992 – 1995 war. Most of the tunnel collapsed, except for a stretch on the southwestern end of the airport, which offers a glimpse into the past. The house that served as a cover is now a small museum featuring the digging equipment and a photo display.

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Passing showers. Decreasing cloudiness. Cool.

Passing showers. Decreasing cloudiness. Cool.
Chance of Precip.: 52 %
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Sprinkles late. Broken clouds. Mild.

Sprinkles late. Broken clouds. Mild.
Chance of Precip.: 20 %
Wind: SSW 16 km/h

Rain showers. Cloudy. Cool.

Rain showers. Cloudy. Cool.
Chance of Precip.: 87 %
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